Kanishka Misra

Kanishka Misra

Research Assistant Professor at Toyota Technological Institute at Chicago

UT Austin CompLing Group

UT Austin NLP and CompLing

I am a Research Assistant Professor at the Toyota Technological Institute at Chicago, a philanthropically endowed academic computer science institute located on the University of Chicago campus.

Previously, I was a postdoctoral fellow in the Linguistics department at UT Austin, working with Dr. Kyle Mahowald. Before that, I was a PhD student at Purdue University, where I worked on Natural Language Understanding with Dr. Julia Taylor Rayz at the AKRaNLU Lab. I also worked closely with Dr. Allyson Ettinger and her lab at UChicago.

Broadly, my research program is centered around a productive network of contributions between Cognitive Science, Computational Linguistics, and Artificial Intelligence. Using ideas in CogSci and Linguistics, specifically Human Semantic Cognition, I evaluate and analyze AI systems on their ability to robustly capture conceptual and categorical meaning. Using tools and models in AI, I develop methods to better understand the statistical mechanisms that underlie acquisition and generalization of complex linguistic phenomena and conceptual knowledge.

My email is kanishka [at] ttic [dot] edu.[why is it like that?]

Other things:

  • I am also the author of minicons, a python package that facilitates large scale behavioral analyses of transformer language models.

  • I spent Fall 2022 as a Research Intern at Google AI working on multi-hop reasoning and language models!

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Recent Posts

Introducing $\texttt{minicons}$: Running large scale behavioral analyses on transformer language models

In this post, I showcase my new python library that implements simple computations to facilitate large-scale evaluation of transformer language models.
